Priyanka Dhapare

AutoSync – Activix CRM Lead Page

Product Design || Research

Project Context

Shifting the mentality from a generic CRM lead page to a more Automotive Sales-driven Lead Page


  • Stakeholder interviews, usability tests, iterative prototyping, visual design


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • UserZoom



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Business Case

The CRM project aims to resolve a multifaceted issue affecting the automotive industry's interaction with their online and in-store toolsets. This issue was identified after extensive interviews with our existing user base, revealing that these diverse tools are disparate, existing in silos rather than interacting efficiently. This disjointed framework imposes several problems that can hinder operational efficiency, consistency, and user experience when using their CRM, DR, and Desking solutions.

One primary issue is the absence of a unified platform within Autosync, which forces dealers to sign into multiple platforms to manage their digital retailing, CRM, and Desking solutions. This not only leads to inefficiencies and potential confusion but also increases the likelihood of errors. This lack of synchronization results in a disjointed flow due to the information being inconsistent between tools which can impact decision-making, customer interaction, and overall business performance.

Current Problems

Current User Journey

The Vision

Unify and integrate Autosync's CRM, digital retailing, and desking solutions into a comprehensive platform for dealerships, offering several benefits:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Streamline operations by eliminating the need for multiple log-ins and data re-entries, allowing dealers to focus more on customer-centric tasks, potentially increasing sales.
  2. Enhanced Data Consistency and Accuracy: Synchronize data across all solutions, ensuring consistent and accurate information, which can strengthen the business proposition for selling multiple Autosync products.
  3. Improved User Experience: Provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, leading to higher user satisfaction, increased adoption rates, and better overall tool utilization, distinguishing Autosync as a leader in the industry.
  4. Enhanced Competitive Advantage: Differentiate from competitors by offering a unique, integrated experience, potentially increasing market share and multi-product adoption.
  5. Increased Value Perception: Demonstrate the value of a unified system, encouraging dealers to incorporate additional products or services within the infrastructure, leading to increased product uptake, cross-selling opportunities, and deeper customer relationships.

Desired User Journey

Starting with the Current Lead Page

  1. Outdated Design: The current lead page design is outdated and does not reflect modern design trends, potentially leading to a poor user experience and reduced engagement.

  2. Complicated Sales Progress Tracking: Sales progress tracking on the current lead page is cumbersome and inefficient, making it challenging for dealers to track leads effectively and manage their sales pipeline.

  3. Lack of Sales Focus: The current lead page lacks a clear focus on sales, making it difficult for dealers to prioritize and manage their sales activities effectively.

  4. Misaligned with Desking Requirements: The current lead page does not align well with desking requirements, leading to inefficiencies and challenges in managing the desking process effectively.

The Solution

I redesigned the lead page for the CRM, addressing key user concerns and improving the overall user experience. One major issue was the page’s length due to its widget structure, which made navigation difficult. Additionally, the sales journey from dealership visit to delivery was not effectively captured.

To tackle these challenges, I created a new sales progress section that consolidates all stages of the sales process, including current widgets and additional features. Understanding that the sales journey is non-linear and varies among dealerships, I designed the progress section to offer flexibility. Rather than a linear journey, dealers can have multiple stages in progress simultaneously, accommodating the diverse processes of different dealerships.

This redesign enhances navigation, making it easier for users to track and manage leads. It also provides a comprehensive view of the sales journey, ensuring no stage is overlooked. Overall, the new lead page offers a more intuitive and flexible solution, tailored to the varying needs of dealerships.

New Sales Progress section displaying tabs in different states

Overall Design Process

Throughout the design process of this project, I engaged with a variety of stakeholders – subject matter experts, individuals with industry exposure, and current customers to gather insights and validate design decisions.

I established weekly touchpoints with product teams and engineering, keeping them informed of design updates and incorporating their feedback. This collaborative approach ensured that the designs were not only well-informed but also aligned with the overall product vision. Working closely with product managers and engineers, I maintained a holistic view of the product, ensuring that the design solutions were practical and feasible within the technical constraints.

As the project has progressed into development, I have been closely engaged with the engineering team for design quality assurance. This redlining ensures that the implemented work accurately reflects the design intent, maintaining the integrity of the user experience and functionality.

In the following sections, I will expand upon utility of each of the tabs present in the Sales Progress section:

Deal Tab

The "Deal" tab in the sales progress section was designed to replace the "Wanted Vehicles" widget. This new tab captures vehicle details and allows users to build deals within a full-screen deal builder view.

Previously, the "Wanted Vehicles" widget was limited in functionality and did not provide a comprehensive view of the deal-building process. By introducing the "Deal" tab, users can now access a full-screen view that simplifies the deal-building process and captures all relevant vehicle details.

This new tab provides a more intuitive and comprehensive tool for building deals. Users can now easily access and manage all aspects of the deal-building process, from vehicle selection to pricing and financing options.

Trade-in Tab

Similar to the “Deal” tab, which structures a deal for the sale of a vehicle, the “Trade-In” tab is used to appraise a vehicle brought in by the user for trade-in.

Through continuous conversations with dealers during our design iterations, we identified additional data points required for a comprehensive vehicle appraisal. These include vehicle repairs, modification work, damages, warranties, and more.

To streamline this process, we integrated with vAuto, a commonly used tool in the industry. This integration allows dealers to push all relevant information to vAuto directly from our platform. This eliminates the need to re-key data and provides dealers with an appraisal value within our platform itself.

Presentation, Bill of Sale, Credit and Delivery Tabs

Currently for our MVP, these tabs will be used to track activities within dealership. These include everything from appointment and road test in the presentation tab, to the vehicle preparation and hand-off in the Delivery tab. It ensures that all customer interactions are efficiently logged and managed. It also helps when there are more than one dealers working to close a deal or if the General Manager/F&I manager needs to take over.

As a future vision for these tabs, the dealers will be able to generate a Bill of Sale within its tab and get it electronically signed by the customer. Similarly the Credit will display menu selling options for different F&I products and the dealer will be able to submit a Credit Application within the platform.

Custom Fields and Custom Tab

I designed the custom fields and custom tab to offer flexibility for dealerships. Recognizing that our predefined fields may not cover all dealership needs, I introduced the ability for dealerships to add their own fields to each tab. This allows them to track specific information unique to their operations.

Additionally, I created a custom tab to serve as a catch-all for fields that don’t neatly fit into any other tab within the sales progress. This customization capability ensures that the platform can adapt to the diverse needs of different dealerships, providing a tailored experience that enhances efficiency and effectiveness.

What's Next?

Moving forward, the focus will be on integrating credit application submissions and decision-making directly within the platform. This will streamline the financing process for dealerships, enhancing their efficiency and customer service.

Additionally, we will be implementing automations for scheduling appointments and managing vehicle deliveries. These automations will simplify the dealership’s workflow, ensuring that appointments are scheduled efficiently and deliveries are coordinated smoothly.